

The first dedicated ear-surgery robot

RobOtol® is the outcome of research work begun ten years ago by the team of Professor Olivier Sterkers - ENT specialists, scientists at the Inserm/UPMC UMR-S 1159 unit (including two CIFRE doctoral theses), and engineers - in partnership with Collin,a French SME specializing in the ENT field.

Technical concept

• Mechanical architecture based on the concept of a pivot point.
• 7 degrees of freedom (3 rotations, 3 translations, one distal movement).
• A volume of work studied and sized for otological surgery.
• Design and ergonomics adapted to the constraints of the operating room.

Expected applications and performance for RobOtol®

The RobOtol® is designed to move and extend along several axes, ensuring that the system can serve as a multi-purpose otological tool:

► Use of the instrument holder arm:

Surgery for otosclerosis – stapedectomy and ossiculoplasty
→ This surgical procedure is one of the most frequent in middle-ear surgery but remains difficult and stressful for the surgeon. The guiding principle is to robotize the most critical phases of this delicate operation so as to raise the overall level of surgical performance and enable young surgeons to shorten their learning curve and quickly achieve results approaching those of expert colleagues. Robotization can thus assist the surgeon in placing the piston or other partial or total middle-ear prostheses.

Cochlear implants – Assistance with the insertion of the cochlear implant electrode holder
→ The aim is to ensure quality in the installation of cochlear implants along the axis best adapted to anatomical variations while minimizing trauma caused by the insertion procedure.

→ Other applications are planned and will become progressively available: action or delivery of drugs to the inner ear.

Use of the optical system holder arm:
Today more and more ENT groups are developing endoscopic ear surgery in addition to or as a substitute for all or part of surgical procedures using a microscope.
The optical system holder function leaves the surgeon free to use both hands for endoscopic ear surgery.

Press / Média



APHP Actualité - Première insertion robotisée d'un implant cochléaire

Le Monde - Un implant cochléaire posé par un bras robotisé «made in France»

CHU Réseau - ORL : Implant auditif inséré par chirurgie robot assistée - 1ère mondiale

L'Usine nouvelle - Pour la première fois, un robot 100% made in France implante une prothèse auditive électronique

Observatoire de la santé visuelle & auditive - RobOtol®, un robot miniinvasif pour opérer l’oreille moyenne et interne - Journal International de Médecine - Première mondiale à l’AP-HP : insertion d’un implant cochléaire grâce à une procédure robotisée - Un robot utilisé pour implanter une prothèse auditive électronique, une première mondiale - Un implant auditif inséré par un robot assisté : une première mondiale à la Pitié-Salpétrière
Le Quotidien du médecin - Robots nouvelle génération, réalité augmentée… La Dépêche - Zoom sur quatre innovations ORL marquantes RobOtol :From Design to Evaluation of a Robot for Middle Ear Surgery Evaluation of Command Modes of an Assistance Robot for Middle Ear Surgery




RobOtol® Interview

► Les bénéfices du robot chirurgical RobOtol® en ORL au CHU de Nantes

► Le RobOtol à l'Hôpital Motol de Prague

► APinnov 2022 - Les rencontres de transfert de technologies

► Find Collin on: LinkedinFacebookInstagram (collin_medical) and Twitter (X)